In 2014, the story of Twins began with people who brought together their long years of experience in the sector and their sectoral expertise…

Twins, which considers all spaces where people interact with their senses as living spaces, set out to produce designs that will add value to all these spaces.

Twins concepts, which are exhibited all over the world and in Turkey, reflect the production philosophy created with its domestic production power, unique design language and inspiring decoration ideas. With this philosophy and values, Twins aims to be a brand that sets the quality standards of Turkish furniture and continues on its way to become a world brand.

The story of people who love their work and always look for the better is developing and growing with new goals every day in its 10000 m2 production facility and stores in the centers where the heart of the furniture industry beats…

Twinslife Design DNA

Twinslife products reflect the values of craftsmanship, simplicity, functionality and quality materials that define our Modern design roots.

1. Design and Ideation Phase

In this phase, the functionality and aesthetics of the chair are conceptualized.

2. Research and Development (R&D) Phase

This stage focuses on technical details, material durability, and prototyping.

3. Final Production and Quality Control Phase

The design and R&D data are used to begin mass production and ensure the final product meets quality standards.